What can you expect?
Detailed analysis of the elements in your personality. Which element dominates your personality? And which element will you develop more over the course of your life? The elements are four different energy patterns that colour your character. All four elements are part of your character, but in different quantities. Usually, one or two elements are most strongly represented.
Accurate analysis of the strongest planetary positions and aspects in your natal chart. This includes at least the interpretation of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant (Ac), and Medium Coeli (Mc) in sign and house. Interpretation of other planets that are strongly positioned in your natal chart.
Interpretation of Saturn and Chiron in sign and house. You are here to learn, grow and transform. The interpretation of Saturn and Chiron can guide you toward personal wisdom, life purpose and spiritual growth. Saturn and Cheiron represent opportunities to learn, evolve and transform yourself on all levels. Cheiron also represents a wound that might need healing.
Analysis of the most significant aspects in your natal chart. Aspects indicate how planets relate to each other. In this astrology reading I will interpret the strongest aspects in your natal chart because they impact your personality most.
Interpretation of the North Node and Lilith (Black Moon). The North Node and Lilith offer insight into your talents, your soul purpose and growth you need to access in order to reach your fullest potential. Your North Node symbolizes where you are going in this lifetime. Lilith reveals the energy you need to harness in order to fulfill the soul’s mission of the North Node.
Finally, there is an integration with human design. What is your energy type? What is your strategy and authority? Human design will help you to make important decisions. Human design provides you a strategy to navigate energy efficient toward your highest potential.